基因分子生物学 电子书下载 PDF下载

  《国外生命科学优秀教材:基因分子生物学(影印版)》适合生命科学相关专业教学选用,也可供从业人员参考使用。 ·查看全部>>
part 1 chemistry and genetics
1 the mendelian view of the world
2 nucleic acids convey genetic information
3 the importance of weak chemical interactions
4 the importance of high-energy bonds
5 weak and strong bonds determine macromolecular structure
part 2 maintenance of the genome
6 the structures of dna and rna
7 genome structure, chromatin, and the nucleosome
8 the replication of dna
9 the mutability and repair of dna
10 homologous recombination at the molecular level
11 site-specific recombination and transposition of dna
part 3 expression of the genome
12 mechanisms of transcription
13 rna splicing
14 translation
15 the genetic code
part 4 regulation
16 transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes
17 transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
18 regulatory rnas
19 gene regulation in development and evolution
20 genome analysis and systems biology
part 5 methods
20 techniques of molecular biology
21 model organisms
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